Supporting & Nurturing Passion & Purpose


As an educator I have seen a perceptible shift in what kind of education parents want for their children.They see the changing world in the global context and want their children to experience an education that will make them good communicators, critical thinkers, stay culturally relevant and at the same time enjoy the process of learning. They do not want their children to experience the pressures of the competitive and rigorous system of education that does not cater to their individual talents. A system they experienced for themselves.


Parents down the ages have always wanted the best for their children.


This alternative is available today and it nurtures and supports individuality; offers voice and choice; promotes a free thinking self aware individual. A product of such a system cannot then be reigned in by adults/ parents making career choices for them without due discussions or without taking into account the child’s passions, talents and individual wants. The conflict and pressure that results from such a scenario leads to disastrous situations like student suicide, truant behaviour or mental health issues.


As a parent we have to be willing to be:


1.     A parent and a friend

If you offer respect, consideration and authenticity that is what you will get in return. Children will learn to be able to use your guidance to come up with solutions to their issues or in carving a career path ahead that is best suited to their goals.


2.     An active and relevant mentor

While keeping our standards high in our belief in our child strong we must know what our child wants to be his or her best self. Our job as parents is to support them in their goals, not expect them to achieve goals we set for them. Support your child’s passion and explorations as they discover their unique voice. Stay informed about their interests and passions.


3.     The one that keeps the lines of communication humming

Become a brilliant listener, encourage your child to talk and participate in open family conversations that your child loves. Family meetings are a forum for discussing triumphs, grievances, disagreements and concerns; talking carefully and respectfully, having conversations where ideas and thoughts are genuinely sought and valued, nurtured and supported thus communicating a positive self image.


4.     A guide by the side who teaches children to make repairs

If there is mutual trust your child will never want to break that trust. In case there is an occasion where there has been an infringement on that trust, teach your child to make repairs by inviting your child to decide how it can be repaired.


5.   One who stays connected as your child moves into the world.

Expose them to activities that pique interest, allow them to travel and explore, form connections and friendships; but be open to accepting and supporting them through these happenings that unfold as they move into these experiences.

 6.     Motivator who helps kids to prioritize personal fulfillment with astrong feeling of purpose rather than forcing them into careers that don't align with their passions and interests. Fan their dreams and allow creativity to flourish.


7.   Willing to weigh the pros and cons of each choice your child makes with an open mind and without feeling that your power or control can be compromised.

Today as a parent you can promote a successful future for your child (which is what every parent wants) by encouraging self exploration and discovery, celebrating and fostering independence, lifelong learning and a sense of responsibility. Value your child's choice and passion, nurture a human who translates opportunities to support their passion and sense of purpose. 

“Children begin by loving their parents, as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.”

- Oscar Wilde.

 Let us not wait to be forgiven but enjoy the camaraderie that every parent and child deserves.

Meera Bhalla, Head of Centre, Ruh Early Years


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